Tuesday, March 12, 2013

Our New Fish Tank

With our tax refund John and I decided that we could each get something big-ish for ourselves.  I decided on having some nice professional photos done of the boys (I am still deciding where to have them taken).  And John decided on a fish tank.  It took awhile to get it set up and running, but now we have 13 fish and the boys absolutely love it.

John had been taking the boys to the pet store a lot recently in anticipation of getting a fish tank.  The boys know what fishies are and were looking forward to getting some of our own.  We got 6 fish to start out with.  The boys were wicked excited while we were picking out the fish and bringing them home.  They kept saying "fishies home, fishies home!"  When we got home and put the fish in the fish tank instead of excitement we got giant tears.  John and I were pretty surprised until we finally figured out that the boys thought that when we brought the fish home that they would be able to play with them like other pets.  Poor kiddos, so we had to try and explain to them that fishies aren't for playing with and that they have to live in the water.  

Every night now we have to feed the fishies, say goodnight, and then turn on their nightlight.  The boys will let us know too if we happen to forget.  Every morning the second thing they do (first being running into the kitchen for milk!) is to say good morning to the fishies, turn on their light, and give them breakfast.  It is way too cute to hear them say "mornin fishies" and "night night fishies". 

 I took this picture of the tank after it had been set up for a few days, just before we got our first few fish.  It's fairly square and holds about 25 gallons of water. 

all photos are property of doubleotwins.com

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