Thursday, May 16, 2013

A Peek Into My Disney Internship in Costuming

In 2003 I interned at the Walt Disney World Resort in Orlando, Florida.  I was there from January through May as part of their College Program.  It came at a much needed time, and I had just an amazing amount of fun working there.  It helps that that's where I met John.  I worked at Epcot in their costuming department, I spent my time in both regular costuming (for everyone who worked in the park) and character costuming. 

Everyone always asks me about character costuming, and let me tell you, it was booor-ing!  We washed, brushed, and mended costumes most of the day.  They keep the character heads in a separate locked room, and is honestly a little creepy when you go in there.  Although they did teach me how to dress and prep Scuba Mickey, who would scuba dive in the Living Seas.  While I won't go into detail, we did get to go up to the very top of the Living Seas.  They don't allow you to take photos up there, and very few people are actually allowed there, but it was absolutely amazing.  Seriously much more impressive than what the guests actually see.  While I only did it a few times, it was by far my favorite thing I got to do there.

 During our off hours we were allowed to go the the parks for free, seriously best job perk ever!  We went and played in the parks almost daily, it was beyond amazing.  I mean we got to both work at Disney and play in their parks whenever we wanted!  It made visiting the parks so laid back and stress free.  We would go and spend a few hours there, hit our favorite rides and attractions, grab some yummy food, and head back to our apartments.  To say I loved it would be an understatement. 

Anyways, I found this video and article on ABC News and had to share!  While they show Magic Kingdom Costuming, it is very very similar to Epcot.  Epcot is only slightly smaller and is set up a bit differently, it still has the endless racks and racks of costumes.  It's pretty darn impressive in there when you think about it.  And the awesome multi-colored costumes that the cast members working behind the counter wear, ya, I totally got to rock those.




  1. Man how I dreaded brushing those damn costumes every day lol. But at least we weren't stuck out side in the heat. I can't believe it's been 10 years already.

    1. LOL! I didn't mind the brushing so much. I really hated sewing the snaps back into the linings of the costumes. I did enjoy doing the costume runs backstage. But the music at character costuming was soooooo bad. I still never ever want to hear Cheeseburger In Paradise again. 10 years? It doesn't seem that long, stop making me feel old =) Eventually we will make a family trip down to Disney and we will so HAVE to get together! I hope all is well with you guys!
