Thursday, March 21, 2013

Cute Things My Kids Say vol. 1

The boys have been talking a lot more lately, and they are starting to say some pretty cute and funny things. Owynn is at the point where he is starting to put small sentences together.

Last Friday I had the day off for my birthday and we spent a good part of the day grocery shopping.  (I wanted to spend the day with my boys, Saturday night John and I had a fun date night.)  Anyways.  After spending several hours at two different stores we finally hit one of our local grocery stores on the way home.  We go there a lot because it is right up the street from our house and they usually have some pretty good prices.  The boys were asleep when we got there, but woke up when we went inside.  They had done really good all day, but when we got into the store Oliver demanded "cookie, cookie, cookie!"  So we headed off to the bakery and got them each a cookie and they were good as gold for the rest of our shopping.  Oliver knew where we were, and exactly what he wanted. 

We were over at John's parents on Saturday dropping the boys off, and we were talking about how my brother-in-law's birthday was coming up in a few days.  Last time we saw him was Christmas. He's going to school in another state right now and we don't get to see him as often as we' like.  As we were talking Owynn all of a sudden said "JoJo home far far away." I was like oooooh, that is so sweet.  They really enjoy it when uncle JoJo comes to visit.  (You should come and visit again this summer =)   ).  I was pretty shocked though because he said a full sentence, and we hadn't talked about JoJo living far away for a few weeks.     

Tonight John ran to the store, and ended up coming home with a dozen donuts.  The boys adore donuts, but we don't have them terribly often.  John walked in the door with the box and Oliver says "pizzi?" (pizza), then a second later Owynn says "dont!!!!" (donuts).  And then we had two super excited toddlers on our hands, yelling "dont dont dont!!" Which I guess may not be the best thing for them to be yelling... 

I just can't get over how much they're talking now.  Owynn today kept saying "my teddy is? my teddy is?"  The poor kiddo had to sleep without teddy last night because teddy managed to get peed on last night while I was at work.  So I gave bear a "bath" as soon as I got home this afternoon and since then Owynn has been watching teddy very closely (well as best as a 2 year old can).  So every time Owynn put teddy down today and forgot where he left him, he would come running over and ask where "my teddy is?"  I felt bad, he was pretty upset teddy needed a bath and couldn't snuggle with him.   

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