Sunday, September 25, 2011

Big Boys

The boys had and did several new things this past week. Oliver is getting his first tooth! It's on his bottom right side. You can feel it starting to come through and see it a little on his gum. Owynn has gotten much better at crawling. He still does the army style with his arms, but he has the correct leg motion down. Lately he has been enjoying climbing on top of and over his brother. They both have pulled themselves up to the standing position for the first time! Oliver did it on Thursday and Owynn did it on Friday. With the exception of holding their own bottles, once one figures out how to do something the second one isn't very far behind. Oliver still doesn't always hold his own bottle, he much prefers to play with his hair while eating. We bought the boys some Gerber puffs and cheese doodles. Oliver loves the puffs and Owynn really likes the cheese doodles. It feels a little weird to be trying some food other than jarred baby food. Although I did treat Oliver to a little bit of frosting last weekend at a birthday party. He loved the frosting and was upset when my cake was all gone. They got real bananas earlier this week and they loved them. I was at work when they ate them, but apparently they fed themselves pretty well and made a big mess. Because of this my MIL gave them a bath in the big tub and they enjoyed it quite a bit. They had fun splashing in the water. They also had apple juice for the first time. They get a little bit of apple juice with dinner now and they love it too. At first we tried it in a sippy cup, but I just don't think they are quite ready for that yet. My boys are getting too big too fast! Oliver has started to snore more and I am wondering if this is normal for babies. Well I have to work in the morning, night!

Sunday, September 18, 2011

I Want More Sleep

First off I will say that I know how lucky I am to have babies that are such great sleepers, and I really shouldn't be complaining but I am going to anyways. I am usually the first one up most days and I wish I could sleep in later like I used to. You know, before kids, when you could sleep 12 hours until noon. But now my body clock is set to about 8 hours (I know I know). Then *ding* time to get up and I can't go back to sleep. I was really hoping to sleep in today too. Last night was our girl's night out and I didn't end up in bed until about 1am. I also had gotten up extra early yesterday morning so I was really hoping I could catch up on my sleep last night, but noooooo. Here I am yawning, wishing I could go back to sleep. Oh well, I know it could be a lot worse.

Yesterday morning I got up early and went over to P&W's to pick up W so we could go yard saleing. We had a great time and found a lot of clothes for our kids. Well W had great luck at the very first one we went to and I spent the majority of my money at the very last one we went to. It was in an upscale neighborhood and the lady had a lot of good quality clothes in fantastic condition in the exact sizes I needed for the boys, it was awesome! We stopped at several yard sales in between without a whole lot of luck. Although I did pick up some toys and books for the boys that I am excited about. I got the boys two sets of stacking rings, a set of Leap Frog farm animal fridge magnets, and several board books. I am most excited about picking up "The Monster and the end of this Book". I loved it when I was little and have been on the look out for it for months now. W bought Oliver the most adorable cow costume for Halloween, it is soooooo cute! Now I just need to find a costume for Owynn.

Girl's night was a fantastic time, I don't know why we don't try and do it more often. It was a great night out for both John and I. The boys stayed home with my IL's, which was really nice. When we go out we take the boys with us like 95% of the time. So John and I headed over to P&W's where we met up with another friend. So the three of us girls went out to dinner while John stayed with P and helped him with a project. We went to Lazlo's for dinner which was pretty yummy. I got a salmon caesar salad which I really enjoyed, but then again I always love caesar salads, it's my fall back dinner of choice. I think W and I had the same issue though. There was a lot on the menu, but nothing really jumped out and grabbed us and said "eat me, I will be delicious". But we had a really good time. After dinner we went back to P&W's to play some canasta. We had a long fun game that I ended up coming back from behind and winning. After the guys finished their project they went out and got us all Cold Stone. I had the coffee lovers, mmmmm. Our husbands are awesome =) After that they left us alone so we could keep talking and playing cards. They went downstairs to record another episode of their podcast. You can find them over at . (I was just checking out their site and John and I have been married since 2004 not 2006, I will have to correct them on that.) Overall it was a fantastic day, we had such a good time. I think John and I both needed it. After spending time with P last night John was in a much better mood. Then again he always is.

Well I should get going, the babies are starting to stir. I should probably try and wrap the present for the birthday party we are going to later today. I can imagine if I try and do it while the boys are up they will want to "help".

Friday, September 16, 2011

Owynn's New Discovery

Owynn discovered today that he can stick his tongue out. I think he also realizes that we think it's pretty darn cute. He especially likes to stick it out when he smiles big; he has been doing it repeatedly all day. I love when they discover something new!

John took the boys today for a fun little afternoon out. I came home for lunch on my break from work like I always do and John and the boys drove me back so he could have the car. (We have 2 cars, 1 right now just needs a lot of work before we can drive it again.) (Oh, and I love being able to come home on my lunch break every day and see my boys!) Anyways John took the boys to Target and to the mall this afternoon. It sounds like they had a good time. They stopped in at Game Stop and the girl working there gave them a little foam football that they have been having a lot of fun playing with. Then they got to pick Mommy up from work. I love being able to show off my babies to the people I work with. I mean I talk about them enough.

I guess today is technically Friday already, and I am really glad. It's been a long week between work and our trip to the ER Monday night / Tuesday morning. Oliver is feeling all better now and we think it may have been the jar of food he ate that night for dinner. So far no one else has come down with anything *knock on wood*. We have a busy and fun weekend planned! Tonight we are going to a Housewarming / Birthday party, Saturday is girls night out (I think we are going to dinner), and Sunday is the 1st Birthday party for one of our friends' son.

The boys turned 8 months old on the 14, I can hardly believe how fast the time has gone by. Pretty soon we will be the ones planning and then celebrating their 1st birthday. It kind of hit me today how many firsts we are going to be having here soon. Pretty soon the boys will be crawling, Halloween is coming up (I can't wait to go shopping for costumes!), and eventually they will get some teeth (although I do really love those gummy smiles!). I am starting to look forward to fall and all of the special holidays coming up, I know they will be extra special this year!

I suppose it's bedtime. I don't have to work until 11am, but I want to get up a little early to get a few things done before I go to work. Plus I love my sleep and I don't function well if I don't get enough. Ok, so I love my 8 hours every night, and do realize how lucky I am to have babies who sleep so well and for so long. Good night!

Tuesday, September 13, 2011

First Trip to the ER

We had our first ER visit late last night / early this morning. Oliver is doing ok now, he is napping at the moment. He ate dinner around 7pm; chicken and carrots. He ate the whole thing really well and was happy after dinner just sitting in his chair playing with his spoon. Soon after that he started getting tired and fussy. Around 9:30pm we brought them upstairs to start getting ready for bed. He ate his bottle close to 10pm and was pretty groggy while eating. With about 2 ounces left in his bottle he sat up and vomited his whole bottle up all over my MIL. She tried to give him the rest of his bottle, but before she could he vomited again. He got sick once more before falling asleep on me for probably at least a half hour. He started stirring and so I put him to bed. He just laid on his back so I rolled him over and after a minute he got sick again. I picked him up, sat him down then he got sick again for the fifth time. After that we decided we needed to take him to the ER.

We got there at about 11:20pm and they were able to see us right away. Oliver had to put on a little child's gown that was yellow and had Looney Toons on it. He looked pretty cute it in it, but then again I think he looks cute in everything. The dr checked him out and gave him some Zofran to stop the vomiting. He perked up quite a bit after that, I think it really helped him feel better. Then the nurse had us give him some Pedialyte to get him re-hydrated. They made sure Oliver kept it down before sending us home. We stopped by my work, filled Oliver's rx and got some Pedialyte. I gave Oliver some more Pedialyte before putting him to bed at around 2:30am. It was a very long night for everyone. My MIL was great, she helped clean up Oliver a few times, watched Owynn while we were gone, and washed and dried Oliver's bedding that he got sick on.

Oliver seems to be doing fine this morning; the boys both slept until about 11am. The dr. wasn't quite sure what caused Oliver to be sick, maybe a virus or something he got into his system. Oliver had some more Pedialyte and then drank his bottle without a problem. I am so glad he is feeling so much better. He really seems to be doing well today. I was extra worried and decided to stay home with him just in case. Well I also was supposed to work at 7, and after being at the hospital so late, would have been really hard. Plus he gave us quite a scare. But I guess that is part of the package of being a new parent.

I forgot to mention this earlier. While we were at the ER they gave Oliver the Pedialyte in a little bottle that he wouldn't take. So we ended up having to give it to him in a syringe. He took the whole thing that way, even tried to help me by holding onto it. When he was done he wouldn't let go of his new toy. We rode home the whole way, even after he fell asleep, with him holding onto his syringe. It was pretty darn cute.

Saturday, September 10, 2011

Weekend Fun

Today I went yard saleing with my MIL and had lunch. I had a really good time. I left the boys home with Daddy and the lazy boys slept until noon today. Noon! We went to several yard sales all over town and ended up with a lot of things for the boys. Mostly winter clothes, but some toys, books, and Baby Einstein DVD's as well. I am lacking in the winter clothes department. I didn't get a whole ton last year for them, but what I do have is too big. I hadn't originally thought that at almost 8 months old they would still be in 3-6 month clothes. Oliver will be in 6-9 months by the time the weather gets cold I think, but Owynn right now is just starting to get into 3-6 months. Hopefully between what I already have, what we got yard saleing today, what some of my friends gave me, and what Mimi got yard saleing while we were in NY will be enough to get us through the winter. I think I will have to go out and buy some shoes, winter coats, and some long sleeve onesies. But all in all I think we are doing pretty good now. Now I have a lot of baby laundry to do. I think one of my favorite things I got was a shirt for Owynn. It is long sleeve, blue, with a teddy bear on it holding a heart. It says "Little body, big heart". I absolutely couldn't resist it.

Tomorrow we are going to spend most of the day at the airshow. I taking the boys and going with my MIL. Hopefully the boys will handle it well, I am a little nervous. I went last time they were in town a few years ago and they were very loud. It should be a good time, at some point the Blue Angels will be flying. I am looking forward to it. I have been hearing the planes flying overhead for the past several days. Between practice and the other airshows it's been quite noisy lately. We saw some of the Blue Angels fly by today as they were doing a fly over of the college stadium for the start of the football game.

After the airshow tomorrow John and I are going to take the boys over to P&W's for some cards and hanging out. It should be a great end to a long, fun, but tiring weekend. Last weekend when we went over there Oliver got the biggest kick out of their son. Every time he walked by Oliver just started laughing and laughing. It was super cute!

Well it's late and I have to get up early tomorrow for the airshow. I wish everyone a safe, peaceful 9-11.

Wednesday, September 7, 2011

End of Summer

I have to go back to work today after my 5 day long "weekend". It's also the first day of school for many kids across the country, including my brother and sister. I feel like the summer has officially come to an end, that makes me kind of sad. Where did summer go? I won't miss the crazy hot weather we had, but I am also not ready for the freezing cold of winter either. We are starting to get into some fall type weather, it's still in the 70's and 80's during the day but it's starting to cool off quite a bit at night.

My summer was a fairly good one, with some pretty awesome ups, and some pretty hard downs. This was the boy's first summer and we went to the zoo several times. It has been so amazing watching them grow and change so much in such a short amount of time. We got hit very hard financially with my husband losing his job, we had to move cities and in with his parents. But we got to go visit my Dad for his birthday and see my family, including my grandparents. It was a wonderful 2 week long trip to NY that I had a hard time coming back from. We spent a lot of time visiting with friends this summer too. All in all it was a pretty good summer.

The boys got weighed and measured yesterday. Owynn is only 12lbs 12oz and 24 3/4in, and Oliver is 14lbs 12oz and 25 3/4in. They are growing, very slowly, but surely. They haven't gained much weight since their 6 month check-up and that worries me a little. They have gotten longer though and have started moving around quite a bit. I'm thinking maybe that's why they haven't put on more weight. Oliver picked up army crawling while we were visiting my parents, and Owynn picked it up about a week or so later. Oliver crawls every where he can manage to get to all the time now. Owynn will crawl, but he needs some motivation first. His favorite so far is my laptop. They aren't quite sitting up yet. If we put them in the sitting position they will teeter there for quite awhile before eventually falling over. They are doing really well eating their jarred food, we just need to figure out a way to get a second jarred feeding in each day. It's hard for my DH to try and feed them alone. We got a system down where we can feed them both bottles at the same time, but it's a lot harder with jarred food. It helps a lot now that Owynn can hold his own bottle, but he is very impatient when it comes to his jarred food. I've realized that I am serious need of winter clothes for the boys. I wasn't expecting them to still be in 3-6 month clothes at almost 8 months old. Oliver will be getting into 6-9 month soon, but most of what I have for them is summer. Thankfully some of my friends have given me hand me downs and my grandmother Mimi did a lot of yard saleing while we were in NY and got the boys a lot of winter clothes. One thing I do need to make sure I have for them soon are coats. I don't know if they will be too big for the car seat covers this year or not. I am thinking they might be. Mimi found them some pretty cute shoes too, which will definitely be needed come winter. I wonder if I can find baby winter mittens. Although I think Owynn wouldn't like those, he sucks his thumb too much.

I should get going, it's 10:45am and I need to get the boys up. I have been hearing Oliver babbling in his crib for a little while now. We don't like to let them sleep past 11am. I feel extremely lucky that they sleep so late most days. They are such good sleepers! Like this morning was nice, I woke up at 9:30am and was able to get a shower, fb, and blogging time in. The boys have been so good and pretty easy, we are very fortunate.

Monday, September 5, 2011


Yesterday we drove up to Omaha and spent the day at the Henry Doorly Zoo with P&W. We had a really great time. It was the busiest I have ever seen it though. There was a very long line of traffic just waiting to exit the interstate to get to the zoo. The parking lot was entirely full with probably at least 100 cars driving around looking for spots. It got to the point where people were actually making their own parking spots. Which after driving around for about a half hour was exactly what we did. I think my favorite parking job I saw was the car that was up on the curb, parallel parked between two trees.

I think the boys had a good time. They stayed awake almost the entire time and looked around a whole lot. We sat them up in the stroller like big boys, so I think they could see a lot more. Previously we had always had them in their car seats in the stroller and I don't think they could see as much. The weather was gorgeous, low seventies and breezy, other than the crowds it was a perfect day for the zoo.

I am looking forward to going over to P&W's later today to hang out. We usually just relax and play cards, it's always a good time. Well I think it's time to go and get the boys up. It's 11:15 and they still aren't awake. I guess we wore them out yesterday.

Thursday, September 1, 2011

Holy Poop Batman!

We gave the boys baby food meats starting a few days ago, and holy cow. We had 6 poopy diapers Tuesday, and almost as many yesterday! What is in that stuff? The babies by the way HATE the meat. I suppose it was bound to happen, they enjoyed all of their veggies and fruit including both green beans and peas. At first it was funny the faces they were making, but now I just feel bad. We only have chicken left to go, and I really hope it's not as bad as the ham was last night. Owynn actually spit his back out and poor Oliver almost choked on it because it tasted so awful. After they try chicken tonight I think we are going to stop with the meats for awhile.

I feel as though I am still running on East Coast time. Although I have been getting better about staying up later, I am really tired pretty early. But I suppose it doesn't help that since we got home I have been waking up by myself before my alarm and before even the babies wake up. Then I can't manage to go back to sleep; my mind is too full of different thoughts. What is up with that? I suppose it is giving me some more blogging time.

I have to go to work today, and I am really not looking forward to it. After my vacation it has been just so hard to make it there and through my day. I don't understand what my problem is. I am almost dreading going in, and it's not like I hate my job or anything. I think I am just having a hard time being away from the babies after getting to be home with them for so long. I have 5 days off after today. I am really looking forward to them and honestly think I really need them. Well the boys are starting to wake up and I have to be at work in 45 minutes. I just keep telling myself I only need to make it through today!