Wednesday, December 5, 2012

Why Does He Put Food Up His Nose?!

I don't know why Owynn insists on sticking food up his nose.  I don't understand the appeal of it.  I've blogged about our previous adventure here and here.  Sunday before we went to the birthday party he stuck macaroni and cheese up there during lunch.

Well last night at dinner he must have thought it would be fun to stick as much corn up there as possible.  (Seriously, why???)  I pulled 4 kernels out fairly easily.  But I was still pretty sure there was more up there, so off I went in search of the flashlight.  Found it, (crap it's dead), pray we have enough of the right size batteries, (score we do!)  I look up Owynn's nose and sure enough there is at least one more in each nostril (this can't be comfortable).  So I go and find a bulb syringe and manage to suction them out.  At least he doesn't mind his nose being suctioned.  I grabbed the flashlight and there are even more stuck in each of his nostrils! (WTH kid!)  At this point I'm asking myself, why this? Why now? Ugh!  So I call my mom for some advice, then I have to hurry up and get the boys into bed, because John has a shift he needs to work.  After more talking to my mom I finally decide to call the on-call doctor, because after googling I've seen way more than I need to about kids getting infections and aspirating their food and I've become completely paranoid.  The doctor said that because I've pulled out so much already and there's at least one piece in each nostril I should probably bring him into the ER to be checked out just in case.  Crap crap crap crap crap, I really don't want to be dealing with this right now.  So I wake Owynn up (he's not too happy with me at this point), put on his coat, shoes, and mittens (ok he does look pretty darn cute), grab his teddy bear, and off we go to the ER.  They got us in immediately, thankfully we live in a small city with several hospitals so we've never had a wait.  Owynn was weighed, 27.4lbs yay!  He had his temperature taken and his pulse, he cried pretty hard over those (at this point I am really glad I remembered to grab bear).  Owynn was looked at by the doctor and there was no corn that he could see. *Sigh* At least I feel better now, somewhat.  The doctor said it was very unlikely he aspirated it, it probably made it's way into his throat and he swallowed it.  He did say to keep an eye on him though just in case.  And if he starts having like a mega runny nose out one side that isn't from a cold, that means the corn is still stuck waaay back in there.  It may come out on its own then, but if it doesn't then we would have to bring him back in.  Joy.

So I bring Owynn home and give him a couple spoonfuls of peanut butter fudge and some milk.  He loved the fudge, he was making his happy food noises while eating it.  I love when he does that.   I change his diaper and jammies, he says night night to Daddy, then goes over to his door and says "bed!"  Ok little man it's time for some sleep.  By this point it's around midnight and I am totally wiped out from the day so John and I head to bed too.  Ugh, is it Friday yet?  I can't take much more this week.

Work has me stressed beyond belief, but I keep telling myself I definitely should not post an angry rant about work, even though I really really want to.  K mini angry rant, they messed up my paycheck this week and I am 4 hours short.  That is a lot of money to me people!  This on top of everything else, I keep wondering when I am going to hit my breaking point.  Friday can't come soon enough.  I have moved from constantly repeating that I love my job, down to I appreciate the fact that I have a job, because right now I most certainly do not love it. 

1 comment:

  1. Hey! Have you seen this ...? Might offer some advice/tips.
