Tuesday, September 13, 2011

First Trip to the ER

We had our first ER visit late last night / early this morning. Oliver is doing ok now, he is napping at the moment. He ate dinner around 7pm; chicken and carrots. He ate the whole thing really well and was happy after dinner just sitting in his chair playing with his spoon. Soon after that he started getting tired and fussy. Around 9:30pm we brought them upstairs to start getting ready for bed. He ate his bottle close to 10pm and was pretty groggy while eating. With about 2 ounces left in his bottle he sat up and vomited his whole bottle up all over my MIL. She tried to give him the rest of his bottle, but before she could he vomited again. He got sick once more before falling asleep on me for probably at least a half hour. He started stirring and so I put him to bed. He just laid on his back so I rolled him over and after a minute he got sick again. I picked him up, sat him down then he got sick again for the fifth time. After that we decided we needed to take him to the ER.

We got there at about 11:20pm and they were able to see us right away. Oliver had to put on a little child's gown that was yellow and had Looney Toons on it. He looked pretty cute it in it, but then again I think he looks cute in everything. The dr checked him out and gave him some Zofran to stop the vomiting. He perked up quite a bit after that, I think it really helped him feel better. Then the nurse had us give him some Pedialyte to get him re-hydrated. They made sure Oliver kept it down before sending us home. We stopped by my work, filled Oliver's rx and got some Pedialyte. I gave Oliver some more Pedialyte before putting him to bed at around 2:30am. It was a very long night for everyone. My MIL was great, she helped clean up Oliver a few times, watched Owynn while we were gone, and washed and dried Oliver's bedding that he got sick on.

Oliver seems to be doing fine this morning; the boys both slept until about 11am. The dr. wasn't quite sure what caused Oliver to be sick, maybe a virus or something he got into his system. Oliver had some more Pedialyte and then drank his bottle without a problem. I am so glad he is feeling so much better. He really seems to be doing well today. I was extra worried and decided to stay home with him just in case. Well I also was supposed to work at 7, and after being at the hospital so late, would have been really hard. Plus he gave us quite a scare. But I guess that is part of the package of being a new parent.

I forgot to mention this earlier. While we were at the ER they gave Oliver the Pedialyte in a little bottle that he wouldn't take. So we ended up having to give it to him in a syringe. He took the whole thing that way, even tried to help me by holding onto it. When he was done he wouldn't let go of his new toy. We rode home the whole way, even after he fell asleep, with him holding onto his syringe. It was pretty darn cute.

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