Friday, July 27, 2012

Confessions of a Mom (of Twins)

  1. Ice Cream is my kryptonite.  I don't know how to serve a small bowl of ice cream.  I grew up in New England and their idea of "small" is completely different than the rest of the country.
  2. I'm a Democrat.  I have always been pretty moderate, but the actions recently of Republicans have completely driven me away.  Old rich white men have no business trying to make decisions about women and their reproductive rights. 
  3. I (not so secretly anymore) love romance novels, especially period ones.  Currently I am reading 50 Shades of Grey and I can't put it down.  If you are looking for a profound piece of literature, it's not for you.  If you a looking for a naughty bit of fluffy romance, than this is totally for you!
  4. I used to love having long fingernails, but since I have become a mom I prefer to keep then short.  Mainly it's more practical, but I get annoyed if my nails get too long (it makes it much harder to text apply diaper cream)
  5. I have a bad habit of sending texts while in the bathroom
  6. I gave up a long time ago of trying to keep the boys food, silverware, and sippy cups separate.  They share EVERYTHING and resistance is futile. 
  7. We are huge Disney nuts here!
  8. When I was pregnant I was convinced Owynn was a girl.  After I found out they were both boys I quickly started mentally referring to each one by name.  I kind of freaked in the delivery room making sure each baby had the proper name.
  9. I support gay marriage.  It's not our job to determine who can and can not be married.  It wasn't that long ago that interracial marriages were illegal.  If two people love each other, that's all that matters.  On a more practical note, everyone deserves the legal protection that marriage can provide.  It's just not right that two people can love each other and build a life and family together, but can't marry, and have no legal right to make decisions for the other.  (Child custody, medical, end of life issues, etc.)
  10. I secretly miss my Boston accent, I want it back
  11. Everyone in our house absolutely adores My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic.  It is an adorable show and if you haven't seen it, you need to.  You can find it on The Hub channel and also Netflix 
  12. I carried and gave birth to twins, my body did an amazing thing.  Despite telling myself this repeatedly, I still hate how my stomach now looks.  Please?  When will you go back to looking somewhat normal?? 
  13. I am starting to get baby fever and it needs to stop! The boys are only 18 months and I don't think we are ready to welcome anymore children yet.  Besides, the boys are fraternal and that means we have a 3-4 times greater chance of having another set of twins.  4 kids under 4, no thank you! I wouldn't mind having another set of twins, but the last trimester of my pregnancy was pretty rough.  
(8/2/12) PS I finally finished 50 Shades of Grey and I think I was expecting too much based on the hype.  I still haven't decided if I'm going to read the other books.

1 comment:

  1. I remember reading some study that New England sells more ice cream than anywhere else in the country. We do love our ice cream. Don't forget the jimmies!

    Every once in a while I slip and drop an R here or there. It happens. I'm sure if you moved back to New England you'd get your accent back.
