Thursday, September 1, 2011

Holy Poop Batman!

We gave the boys baby food meats starting a few days ago, and holy cow. We had 6 poopy diapers Tuesday, and almost as many yesterday! What is in that stuff? The babies by the way HATE the meat. I suppose it was bound to happen, they enjoyed all of their veggies and fruit including both green beans and peas. At first it was funny the faces they were making, but now I just feel bad. We only have chicken left to go, and I really hope it's not as bad as the ham was last night. Owynn actually spit his back out and poor Oliver almost choked on it because it tasted so awful. After they try chicken tonight I think we are going to stop with the meats for awhile.

I feel as though I am still running on East Coast time. Although I have been getting better about staying up later, I am really tired pretty early. But I suppose it doesn't help that since we got home I have been waking up by myself before my alarm and before even the babies wake up. Then I can't manage to go back to sleep; my mind is too full of different thoughts. What is up with that? I suppose it is giving me some more blogging time.

I have to go to work today, and I am really not looking forward to it. After my vacation it has been just so hard to make it there and through my day. I don't understand what my problem is. I am almost dreading going in, and it's not like I hate my job or anything. I think I am just having a hard time being away from the babies after getting to be home with them for so long. I have 5 days off after today. I am really looking forward to them and honestly think I really need them. Well the boys are starting to wake up and I have to be at work in 45 minutes. I just keep telling myself I only need to make it through today!

1 comment:

  1. You guys were never fans of the meat baby food. It smells gross so I imagine it tastes pretty bad too.

    I hope you enjoyed your 5 days off. You deserve too!
