Sunday, September 18, 2011

I Want More Sleep

First off I will say that I know how lucky I am to have babies that are such great sleepers, and I really shouldn't be complaining but I am going to anyways. I am usually the first one up most days and I wish I could sleep in later like I used to. You know, before kids, when you could sleep 12 hours until noon. But now my body clock is set to about 8 hours (I know I know). Then *ding* time to get up and I can't go back to sleep. I was really hoping to sleep in today too. Last night was our girl's night out and I didn't end up in bed until about 1am. I also had gotten up extra early yesterday morning so I was really hoping I could catch up on my sleep last night, but noooooo. Here I am yawning, wishing I could go back to sleep. Oh well, I know it could be a lot worse.

Yesterday morning I got up early and went over to P&W's to pick up W so we could go yard saleing. We had a great time and found a lot of clothes for our kids. Well W had great luck at the very first one we went to and I spent the majority of my money at the very last one we went to. It was in an upscale neighborhood and the lady had a lot of good quality clothes in fantastic condition in the exact sizes I needed for the boys, it was awesome! We stopped at several yard sales in between without a whole lot of luck. Although I did pick up some toys and books for the boys that I am excited about. I got the boys two sets of stacking rings, a set of Leap Frog farm animal fridge magnets, and several board books. I am most excited about picking up "The Monster and the end of this Book". I loved it when I was little and have been on the look out for it for months now. W bought Oliver the most adorable cow costume for Halloween, it is soooooo cute! Now I just need to find a costume for Owynn.

Girl's night was a fantastic time, I don't know why we don't try and do it more often. It was a great night out for both John and I. The boys stayed home with my IL's, which was really nice. When we go out we take the boys with us like 95% of the time. So John and I headed over to P&W's where we met up with another friend. So the three of us girls went out to dinner while John stayed with P and helped him with a project. We went to Lazlo's for dinner which was pretty yummy. I got a salmon caesar salad which I really enjoyed, but then again I always love caesar salads, it's my fall back dinner of choice. I think W and I had the same issue though. There was a lot on the menu, but nothing really jumped out and grabbed us and said "eat me, I will be delicious". But we had a really good time. After dinner we went back to P&W's to play some canasta. We had a long fun game that I ended up coming back from behind and winning. After the guys finished their project they went out and got us all Cold Stone. I had the coffee lovers, mmmmm. Our husbands are awesome =) After that they left us alone so we could keep talking and playing cards. They went downstairs to record another episode of their podcast. You can find them over at . (I was just checking out their site and John and I have been married since 2004 not 2006, I will have to correct them on that.) Overall it was a fantastic day, we had such a good time. I think John and I both needed it. After spending time with P last night John was in a much better mood. Then again he always is.

Well I should get going, the babies are starting to stir. I should probably try and wrap the present for the birthday party we are going to later today. I can imagine if I try and do it while the boys are up they will want to "help".

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