My summer was a fairly good one, with some pretty awesome ups, and some pretty hard downs. This was the boy's first summer and we went to the zoo several times. It has been so amazing watching them grow and change so much in such a short amount of time. We got hit very hard financially with my husband losing his job, we had to move cities and in with his parents. But we got to go visit my Dad for his birthday and see my family, including my grandparents. It was a wonderful 2 week long trip to NY that I had a hard time coming back from. We spent a lot of time visiting with friends this summer too. All in all it was a pretty good summer.
The boys got weighed and measured yesterday. Owynn is only 12lbs 12oz and 24 3/4in, and Oliver is 14lbs 12oz and 25 3/4in. They are growing, very slowly, but surely. They haven't gained much weight since their 6 month check-up and that worries me a little. They have gotten longer though and have started moving around quite a bit. I'm thinking maybe that's why they haven't put on more weight. Oliver picked up army crawling while we were visiting my parents, and Owynn picked it up about a week or so later. Oliver crawls every where he can manage to get to all the time now. Owynn will crawl, but he needs some motivation first. His favorite so far is my laptop. They aren't quite sitting up yet. If we put them in the sitting position they will teeter there for quite awhile before eventually falling over. They are doing really well eating their jarred food, we just need to figure out a way to get a second jarred feeding in each day. It's hard for my DH to try and feed them alone. We got a system down where we can feed them both bottles at the same time, but it's a lot harder with jarred food. It helps a lot now that Owynn can hold his own bottle, but he is very impatient when it comes to his jarred food. I've realized that I am serious need of winter clothes for the boys. I wasn't expecting them to still be in 3-6 month clothes at almost 8 months old. Oliver will be getting into 6-9 month soon, but most of what I have for them is summer. Thankfully some of my friends have given me hand me downs and my grandmother Mimi did a lot of yard saleing while we were in NY and got the boys a lot of winter clothes. One thing I do need to make sure I have for them soon are coats. I don't know if they will be too big for the car seat covers this year or not. I am thinking they might be. Mimi found them some pretty cute shoes too, which will definitely be needed come winter. I wonder if I can find baby winter mittens. Although I think Owynn wouldn't like those, he sucks his thumb too much.
I should get going, it's 10:45am and I need to get the boys up. I have been hearing Oliver babbling in his crib for a little while now. We don't like to let them sleep past 11am. I feel extremely lucky that they sleep so late most days. They are such good sleepers! Like this morning was nice, I woke up at 9:30am and was able to get a shower, fb, and blogging time in. The boys have been so good and pretty easy, we are very fortunate.
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