Saturday, June 29, 2013

It's Been A Week!

It's been a long week over here.  Nothing major really happened, but between work and home I'm pretty worn out.  I'm really hoping our summer slow down is finally happening at work, it was slightly better this week.  I found this floating around facebook and it totally cracked me up.

I totally got chewed out by a lady this week because we didn't inform her that she was out of refills.

 The boys have been alternating between absolutely adorable and little stinkers getting into everything.  More so adorable though.  Tuesday Owynn woke up from his nap early before Oliver so we snuggled on the couch and watched some cartoons.  Too soon though I had to get up to make dinner, so he settled himself into my spot on the couch to quietly watch cartoons while waiting for Oliver to wake up.  He is surprisingly good about not trying to wake Oliver up when he's sleeping.

Photo: Taking over Mommy's spot
Owynn all comfy in my spot

 Wednesday we stopped at the grocery store in the morning before my late shift and I picked up a 2lb package of strawberries (yum!).  I didn't have time to clean them and cut them before work and the boys weren't too happy about that.  When they woke up from their nap they snuck into the fridge and ate one bite out of almost all the strawberries, then put them all back.  Awesome.  Friday Owynn  went up to Oliver, gave him a big hug and kiss, and said in his little toddler voice, your my best friend Oliver.  OMG cutest thing ever!!!

Friday was also my Mom's birthday.  Happy Birthday Mum!  I really wish we could be out there to help you celebrate, we miss you a lot!  I wish I had some pics of me when I was little on my computer, but I don't right now.  That's a big project for much later.  So here is one from our trip last year.

Happy Birthday Mum, we love and miss you!

Monday, June 24, 2013

First Movie for the Boys!

We had a big weekend this weekend!  I cut the boys hair on Friday night, it went pretty much as I expected.  Owynn sat there patiently while I cut it, his came out pretty well.  Oliver screamed bloody murder the whole time, his is shorter, but definitely messy around the edges. 

Saturday morning we got up early and went to the movies!  This was the first time we have taken the boys to the theater and I was pretty nervous about it.  In about 3 weeks they will be 2 & 1/2.  Originally I had planned on waiting until they were a bit older, but the opportunity presented itself and I didn't want to pass it up.  John's parent's insurance company puts on customer events every so often.  This weekend they had a 10am super discounted showing of Monsters University (awesome!). 
I found this by searching Google Images

 We woke the boys up early, got them dressed, and headed right out the door.  I was worried that we would have to take the boys out of the theater while we were there, but we didn't have to.  They did pretty well, better than I expected.   We arrived shortly before the movie started, got our popcorn, candy, and drinks, then found some seats.  They had little booster seats for the kids which was great.  The nice thing about going to an event like this was that there were several families with small children and the theater wasn't crowded even though it was opening weekend.  They sat still watching the movie for at least the first half.  Owynn sat in his booster seat and Oliver sat in my lap.  I think Oliver was a bit overwhelmed by the whole thing.  ( We did try talking to them about going to the movies beforehand, but I don't know how much they really understood.)  They were pretty excited to have popcorn and reese's pieces to snack on (breakfast of champions here).  That helped to keep them a bit distracted for awhile.  They did get antsy, but they did ok walking along our row of seats (we had a whole row to ourselves).  Owynn kept looking at the screen and saying "WOW".  It was pretty cute.  Overall we had a pretty good time, we really enjoyed Monsters University.  While it wasn't quite as good as the first, it was cute, and we laughed a whole lot.  It was neat to see a bit of back story for some of the other minor characters in Monsters Inc.  I would definitely recommend taking your family to see it. 

Thursday, June 20, 2013

So So Tired, but Happy!

So I think I'm finally out of my weird funk, so yay!  I feel normal again.  I don't know why it happened or really what changed, but I feel like myself again.  Last week at work was good surprisingly, I had thought we had finally hit out summer slow down.  Haha, think again.  This past week was crazy!  I have been extra worn out lately.  It's been pretty much work, come home, spend time with the kiddos, eat, sleep, repeat.  I feel like I've been neglecting my blog a bit, but man am I worn out.  I'm happy though, all seems right in my immediate little world here.  John is happy with his new job, and it seems to be going well so far.  The late nights took a bit for me to get used to, but it has been working out well.  The boys are doing great.  Oliver knows his alphabet now, I am way impressed by that.  Owynn has been saying all sorts of funny things.  His new favorite phrase is "Huh, what's going on here?"  It cracks me up every time!  They are such hams!


Owynn and Oliver

all photos are property of

Wednesday, June 12, 2013

Lighting Frustration

A few weeks ago one of the ceiling lights in our kitchen blew.  We have 2 ceiling fixtures, because even though our apartment is small our kitchen is surprisingly large.  I am a little bit obsessive about replacing a blown light bulb as soon as it burns out.  My husband would say that is an understatement.  When I buy light bulbs I buy them in bulk so I always have extra on hand when one goes out.  The light blew in the morning, and I tried to ignore it most of the day.  We don't have a step ladder, and I really dislike standing on chairs.  But by dinner time I couldn't take it any more.  I HATE cooking in a kitchen that isn't well lit, and it had been slowly eating away at me all day.  So I grabbed my giant box of light bulbs and a chair, determined to fix it.  Well imagine my very angry surprise when I discovered this.

I was pissed, who the angry 4 letter word, puts a fluorescent light like this in an apartment!?!? ARGH!  John looked online immediately and it turns out it's going to cost us like $25 to replace this.  I am soooooo not happy.   It's now fairly low on my priority list, and that annoys me to no end.  But we need things like groceries, hair cuts for all my guys, sandals for the boys, and to put away money for a few fun things we have planned this summer first.  Grumble grumble grumble. 

For more What the Hell Moments, swing on over to BlueMonkeyButt.

Tuesday, June 11, 2013

Who Loves Orange Soda?!

I have a problem. I think I like orange soda way too much. Some people enjoy wine or other alcohol; I like to sit down and enjoy a nice cold glass of orange Crush. Oh man do I love it. Some days I feel like Kel from All That and Kenan & Kel. 

I drink way too much soda and that's no secret. I have been trying to cut back on it. I have been drinking mostly the new 7-Up 10 products (only 10 calories!), which aren't bad, but still don't taste quite like regular soda. I have also been drinking a whole lot of raspberry ice tea lately, but I'm not sure all that caffeine is good for me either. I know water is the best, but I'm weird and I don't really enjoy drinking it at all (I do try though). Yesterday I had some orange Crush, it had been awhile, and I had forgotten what I was missing. Man I loooove orange soda.

Saturday, June 8, 2013

I Used to Think I Had Lots of Patience, Now I Have Toddlers

I used to think I had lots of patience, really now I'm not so sure.  The boys are almost 2 1/2 now and pretty typical toddlers.  I feel like all I ever say is no.  "No no no no NO!", "Shut the Fridge", "Don't touch the trash", "Stop jumping on your bed", Don't climb on your changing table".  I'm trying to do my best as a parent, but I find myself wondering sometimes if I'm doing everything right, am I yelling too much?  I can't be the only parent who feels this way right???

Don't get me wrong, the boys can be total sweethearts.  Owynn now says "I luf you" which makes my heart melt.  Oliver really loves hugs and snuggles.  And they are pretty darn cute.

So not the most current photo, but I love this one. Oliver and Owynn their first Halloween 2011. 

But then there are days like today where I was counting down the minutes to nap time, hoping that after they get up they will be in a better mood.  (Owynn didn't nap and is quietly hanging out with us in the living room playing with his kindle fire.  Oliver is sound asleep, he really needed it.) 
Or yesterday; the boys woke up and instead of going into the living room and turning on the tv or getting out their kindles, they decided they needed to raid the pantry.  They dumped corn meal all over the carpet in the living room.  Dumped out my baking soda on the kitchen floor, along with onion soup mix, yeast, and other baking supplies I keep in there.  They also got into my little baggie of hershey kisses I had saved from my baby shower that said "It's A Boy", which were almost 3 years old, there were bits of wrapper everywhere.  The boys also got into the birthday candles, we're hoping they didn't eat any of those.   
Or the day before yesterday.  They pushed Oliver's bed up against their dresser so they could reach the stuff on top.  They got down a small bottle of lotion and got it all over Owynn, Oliver's teddy bear, and the bed.

I've been told by other parents of multiples that things don't necessarily get easier, just different.  I can see that, but I'm still really hoping this stage will get a bit easier.