A few weeks ago one of the ceiling lights in our kitchen blew. We have 2 ceiling fixtures, because even though our apartment is small our kitchen is surprisingly large. I am a little bit obsessive about replacing a blown light bulb as soon as it burns out. My husband would say that is an understatement. When I buy light bulbs I buy them in bulk so I always have extra on hand when one goes out. The light blew in the morning, and I tried to ignore it most of the day. We don't have a step ladder, and I really dislike standing on chairs. But by dinner time I couldn't take it any more. I
HATE cooking in a kitchen that isn't well lit, and it had been slowly eating away at me all day. So I grabbed my giant box of light bulbs and a chair, determined to fix it. Well imagine my very angry surprise when I discovered this.
I was pissed, who the angry 4 letter word, puts a fluorescent light like this in an apartment!?!? ARGH! John looked online immediately and it turns out it's going to cost us like $25 to replace this. I am soooooo
not happy. It's now fairly low on my priority list, and that annoys me to no end. But we need things like groceries, hair cuts for all my guys, sandals for the boys, and to put away money for a few fun things we have planned this summer first. Grumble grumble grumble.
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Oh yuck! That's too bad. I hate a dark kitchen. Dad is always turning off the lights in there when I'm cooking and I turn every single one of them on!
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