The boys have been in their new beds for about two months now. They have been enjoying their new freedom a whole lot. It has been a challenge though trying to get them to stay in bed at night and especially at nap time.
Nap time right now is the hardest. They still need a good nap every day, but they have decided that naps are over rated. It just depends on the day and how tired they are, if they wind up napping. If they don't nap they usually will play in their room for a couple of hours. But on no nap days we usually end up with two very grumpy toddlers and Oliver like this during dinner:
Oliver asleep during dinner...again |
Bedtime is a bit easier. We still have to go in and tuck them in a few times before they finally fall asleep. It usually takes them close to an hour to finally wear themselves out and fall asleep. Tonight went quickly though. They didn't nap, were exhausted, and John sat in their room with them until they fell asleep. Which was a very welcome change from Saturday night when the boys decided that jumping on their beds was a good idea (it was in fact a very bad idea.) The boys sleep in the same bed just about every night now. Owynn likes his space, but Oliver always winds up in bed with Owynn one way or another. I have found though that they sleep much better when they are together. Owynn used to wake up around 3am every night, but he rarely does anymore. They also are able to comfort each other better this way. Occasionally Owynn will wake up crying and 90% of the time Oliver will comfort him and they will fall right back asleep without one of us having to go in to tend to them. Plus they are super cute snuggled up in bed together! All in all making the switch to toddler beds hasn't been nearly as bad as I had feared.
Owynn and Oliver |
Oliver at the top and Owynn. I don't know how Oliver managed to get into bed with Owynn like this without waking him up. |
This night was a struggle. They are both asleep, with Oliver literally on top of Owynn. |
Oliver and Owynn. Owynn declared my socks were his, took them off my feet, and put them on his. He slept with my socks on over his jammies all night. |
Owynn and Oliver |
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