On January 14 my two favorite little people turned 2! (A little late I know, it took me much longer than I thought to gather all my pics together in one spot. And time, I feel like I never have enough time in the day for everything.) They were born early at 34 weeks and 5 days and weighed just 4lbs 7.8oz (Owynn) and 5lbs 2 oz (Oliver). When we went to the Dr. last month Owynn was 26lbs and Oliver 28lbs. They are finally catching up and are close to the size of your average 2 year old.
I really can't believe how fast the time has gone by and just how much they've changed. Over the past 2 years we have moved 3 times, and driven to NY twice. They have gone from tiny little fragile babies to rambunctious toddlers. In the past year they have learned to talk, to walk and run; and have become crazy climbing monkeys with no fear. Right now they love Mickey Mouse Clubhouse, Owynn calls Goofy goosey. Owynn is farther along with his speech, but Oliver is very smart with electronic-y things. He has my phone all figured out and has almost got angry birds down. They love to read, well more so look at books and have me read to them; but they really do love books. I wish they would stay little longer, they are growing so fast. When I was pregnant and people told me that the time would go by fast and that I would love them in a way I didn't know I could, I didn't believe them. I do now though, they are the best things to ever happen to us.
Let me show you how much my wonderful and adorable little boys have grown! (I may be a bit biased though.)
The pictures are a bit out of order, I still haven't quite gotten the hang of moving pictures around on here.
Owynn the day we brought him home. I would have been 36 weeks pregnant. |
Oliver the day we brought the boys home. He is wearing 0-3 month jammies. |
Owynn and Oliver 5 1/2 months |
Owynn 5 1/2 months |
Oliver 6 months |
Oliver 5 1/2 months |
Owynn 7 1/2 months |
Oliver 7 1/2 months |
Owynn 11 months |
Oliver 18 months |
Owynn 13 months |
Oliver 15 months |
Oliver, Daddy, Owynn 15 months |
Owynn and Oliver's First Birthday Party |
Owynn, Mommy, Oliver 4 months |
Oliver and Owynn 9 months First Halloween |
This is Owynn's angry face 10 months |
Owynn and Oliver 11 months. First Christmas Eve. |
Oliver 21 months |
Owynn 21 months |
Oliver 23 months |
all photos are property of doubleotwins.com
Aw shucks, you're right--those kids are adorable! Hard to believe they are two years old already!