Tuesday, May 29, 2012

Toddler Communication

The boys have been trying to communicate to us more and more every day.  Today Oliver kept going over to John then going over to the front door and banging on it, back and forth several times.  So John got out the stroller and took the boys for a walk.  I met up with them right after I got off work and it seemed like everyone was having a good time.  

We spent Sunday at P&W's house playing poker with some of our good friends.  There were two other little kids there about a year older than the boys.  Oliver kept trying to talk to the bigger kids all day.  He was babbling on and on to them in what seemed like full baby sentences.  Oliver knew what he was saying and he was trying to get his point across, just no one else could understand him.  It's pretty darn cute to listen to him talk.  He will just go on babbling about who knows what, but he's pretty insistent about it.  We think that he is going to start saying real words soon.  It's about time, they are 16 & 1/2 months old now.  Right now they mostly only say Dada and Done.  We are working on Cheese.  Owynn only says Mama when he is really tired or upset.  Otherwise I am starting to think that I am just other Dada. 

Owynn has been super adorable lately.  His new thing is he likes to try and sing.  He hums when he is sleepy, and when he gave me a hug today.  He also likes to sing along to music.  I wonder if he will be musically inclined when he gets older.  Owynn loves to dance, drum on everything, and now trying to sing.

I am can't wait until they can talk and I can actually understand what they are trying to say!

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