Early early Wednesday morning as we were getting ready for bed our toilet decided to EPICLLY overflow. At least it was clean water, well you know, as clean as water can get coming from the toilet. I was in the other room when I realized it was happening; and then it took a couple minutes for my brain to start working again. We finally managed to get the water turned off, but not before it completely flooded our bathroom and absolutely soaked the carpet outside the bathroom. John had to make a quick trip to the store for a plunger at 2am; I had thrown ours out when we moved cities. We finally got it fixed though. After that I was so wound up I decided to throw in a load of dishes because sleep wasn't going to happen any time soon. Well then the dishwasher decided to break too. It made these horrible horrible noises and sounded like it was trying to eat our dishes. The plastic part at the bottom that moves and sprays the water just broke in two. *ugh*
John's parents were so awesome in helping us deal with the clean up here. They brought over our carpet cleaner so John could suction up all the water. And John's mom took to boys for the afternoon so John could do clean up while I was working. I have guilt sometimes about working so much and being away from home. But I know John has a tough job too, staying home and taking care of the boys, he also gets the brunt of the housework. On days like these I feel bad for John with all he has to deal with at home and it seems like I have the easy job at work. Although I'd be lying if I didn't say I have plenty of bad days at work too. Parenting in general isn't an easy job whether working or staying at home. Especially with two, but as I heard it put, having twins is like winning the lottery. I wouldn't change it for the world.
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