I am counting down the days until I am off of work and our vacation starts. It has finally started to hit me, we have so much to do to get ready! I have 4 more days of work and we leave in a week. =) I have 3 weeks off and it is going to be wonderful! I am sure we will have a busy weekend of cleaning and packing, but then we leave for NY on Tuesday. It will take us 3 days to get to my parents. I really hope the boys handle the drive well. Last time we went they were 7 months old and were just learning how to crawl. Now they are 14 months and walking. John has planned our trip really well though, we will be traveling 6 hours each day and should be able to keep close to their schedule. I'm nervous about the drive, but I really can't wait to see my family.
Yesterday (Sunday) the boys were alternating between being absolutely adorable and grumpy fussy-pants. They were both very needy all day and just wanted Mommy to hold them. At one point during the day Oliver toddled up to me and gave me a BIG hug and kiss, then toddled away. It melted my heart, I love when they do things like that.
Owynn woke up from his nap before Oliver did; so when John got home Owynn was sitting on my lap. I fed him some chicken from the salad John was eating, he ate quite a bit of it. But apparently when he was done, he was done. He said "all done" and then spit out the chicken left in his mouth onto my shirt. It was kind of yucky, but John and I laughed pretty hard. Later in the day though both boys were pretty fussy. They have been fighting over toys a lot lately. Owynn took a toy out of Oliver's hands that he was playing with. Instead of taking his toy back, Oliver got really mad and pushed Owynn. I wasn't quite expecting to be dealing with this kind of behavior already. I told them both no and put them in their chairs, and after some tears everything was ok. They know when Mommy says no and gets upset they are really in trouble, I get tears every time. =(
Well I suppose it's bedtime, I have the early shift tomorrow and I need to get at least a few hours sleep.
Awww! Hugs and kisses already! I remember many time outs between you and Mandy on the hope chest ;)