I came home from work today and the boys were both sound asleep napping on the floor. When they woke up Owynn was fussy and crawled into my lap and he was super warm. He had been whiny, and generally more fussy and clingy the past day or so. We took his temp and it had spiked up to 102.7. So John's parents came right over to watch Oliver while we took Owynn to the ER. They checked him all out and tested him for the flu and rsv. They took nasal swabs which Owynn hated. He also cried a lot when the Dr. looked in his ears and when the Dr. had to clean out some earwax from his ears. I don't think I have ever seen Owynn cry so hard. The Dr. said it looks like an ear infection and got him started on an antibiotic. They gave Owynn a dose of ibuprofen and sent us home. We are supposed to follow up with our pediatrician in the next few days. We also are supposed to give him pretty much around the clock scheduled dosing of tylenol and advil to keep his fever at bay for the next 24 hours. By the time he went to bed Owynn's fever had dropped quite a bit and he was acting a lot more normal. I really hope he is feeling better in the morning.
Friday, March 30, 2012
Owynn's 1st Trip to the ER
I came home from work today and the boys were both sound asleep napping on the floor. When they woke up Owynn was fussy and crawled into my lap and he was super warm. He had been whiny, and generally more fussy and clingy the past day or so. We took his temp and it had spiked up to 102.7. So John's parents came right over to watch Oliver while we took Owynn to the ER. They checked him all out and tested him for the flu and rsv. They took nasal swabs which Owynn hated. He also cried a lot when the Dr. looked in his ears and when the Dr. had to clean out some earwax from his ears. I don't think I have ever seen Owynn cry so hard. The Dr. said it looks like an ear infection and got him started on an antibiotic. They gave Owynn a dose of ibuprofen and sent us home. We are supposed to follow up with our pediatrician in the next few days. We also are supposed to give him pretty much around the clock scheduled dosing of tylenol and advil to keep his fever at bay for the next 24 hours. By the time he went to bed Owynn's fever had dropped quite a bit and he was acting a lot more normal. I really hope he is feeling better in the morning.
Wednesday, March 28, 2012
My Birthday
I decided I wanted to post a bit about my birthday. Which is going to be a fun 2-parter =) I had to work on my birthday, but it wasn't too bad. John's parents sent me a beautiful bouquet of flowers at work. John and the boys picked me up at the end of my day and took me to dinner. We decided to go to Red Robin because it is always yummy and is family friendly (which is a big deal to us now). I had the whiskey river bbq burger which is always delicious. The boys were anxious to eat and Oliver stole a fry off John's plate as soon as the server put it on the table. The boys were soooo good! I am starting to wonder why this keeps surprising me, they are always so good when we take them out. Our goal was to have them on a loose schedule, but to be flexible when we changed their routine. During the day John had kept them out running errands all day, he even took them to lunch at Runza, just the three of them. Right now John has been working hard at preparing them for our vacation. My mom has said that while we are she will bake me a cake =) (yay!) and we can celebrate my birthday a bit while we are there.
I can't express how excited I am about our trip. Only 3 more days of work to go! Well I suppose it's bedtime. This was kind of a sleep rambling post.
I can't express how excited I am about our trip. Only 3 more days of work to go! Well I suppose it's bedtime. This was kind of a sleep rambling post.
Tuesday, March 27, 2012
Cuteness, Fighting, and Vacation
I am counting down the days until I am off of work and our vacation starts. It has finally started to hit me, we have so much to do to get ready! I have 4 more days of work and we leave in a week. =) I have 3 weeks off and it is going to be wonderful! I am sure we will have a busy weekend of cleaning and packing, but then we leave for NY on Tuesday. It will take us 3 days to get to my parents. I really hope the boys handle the drive well. Last time we went they were 7 months old and were just learning how to crawl. Now they are 14 months and walking. John has planned our trip really well though, we will be traveling 6 hours each day and should be able to keep close to their schedule. I'm nervous about the drive, but I really can't wait to see my family.
Yesterday (Sunday) the boys were alternating between being absolutely adorable and grumpy fussy-pants. They were both very needy all day and just wanted Mommy to hold them. At one point during the day Oliver toddled up to me and gave me a BIG hug and kiss, then toddled away. It melted my heart, I love when they do things like that.
Owynn woke up from his nap before Oliver did; so when John got home Owynn was sitting on my lap. I fed him some chicken from the salad John was eating, he ate quite a bit of it. But apparently when he was done, he was done. He said "all done" and then spit out the chicken left in his mouth onto my shirt. It was kind of yucky, but John and I laughed pretty hard. Later in the day though both boys were pretty fussy. They have been fighting over toys a lot lately. Owynn took a toy out of Oliver's hands that he was playing with. Instead of taking his toy back, Oliver got really mad and pushed Owynn. I wasn't quite expecting to be dealing with this kind of behavior already. I told them both no and put them in their chairs, and after some tears everything was ok. They know when Mommy says no and gets upset they are really in trouble, I get tears every time. =(
Well I suppose it's bedtime, I have the early shift tomorrow and I need to get at least a few hours sleep.
Yesterday (Sunday) the boys were alternating between being absolutely adorable and grumpy fussy-pants. They were both very needy all day and just wanted Mommy to hold them. At one point during the day Oliver toddled up to me and gave me a BIG hug and kiss, then toddled away. It melted my heart, I love when they do things like that.
Owynn woke up from his nap before Oliver did; so when John got home Owynn was sitting on my lap. I fed him some chicken from the salad John was eating, he ate quite a bit of it. But apparently when he was done, he was done. He said "all done" and then spit out the chicken left in his mouth onto my shirt. It was kind of yucky, but John and I laughed pretty hard. Later in the day though both boys were pretty fussy. They have been fighting over toys a lot lately. Owynn took a toy out of Oliver's hands that he was playing with. Instead of taking his toy back, Oliver got really mad and pushed Owynn. I wasn't quite expecting to be dealing with this kind of behavior already. I told them both no and put them in their chairs, and after some tears everything was ok. They know when Mommy says no and gets upset they are really in trouble, I get tears every time. =(
Well I suppose it's bedtime, I have the early shift tomorrow and I need to get at least a few hours sleep.
Friday, March 23, 2012
Time Alone
I got home from work tonight to find everyone napping; they boys' were in their cribs and John was laying down because he wasn't feeling too well. I got about an hour and a half of blissful peace and quiet all by myself. It was exactly what I needed, and I didn't even know it. I spent my time mostly on FB and reading some articles online; and polishing off the other half of my Ben and Jerry's. It's been a very stressful few weeks here. Right now I am counting down the days until my vacation (8).
I decided yesterday that it really had gotten too much and so John and I should do something for ourselves to help make us feel a little bit better. I finally decided on picking up ingredients for a really yummy dinner at home. We had shrimp cocktail, snow crabs legs, asparagus, bacon cheddar twice baked potatoes, and Ben & Jerry's. I also make John a big blender full of non-alcoholic Pina Coladas. It was great!
I am very thankful tomorrow is Friday! I am looking forward to this weekend a lot, even though I'm sure we will be very busy. I'll be at home with my family instead of at work, and that makes me happy =).
The boys have been both fighting more recently and ridiculously cute. John said the other day that Owynn kept tickling Oliver while Oliver was getting a diaper change. Oliver thought it was hysterical! Owynn found my pink Red Sox hat tonight and kept putting it on his head, he thought he was very smart =). Oliver had John's Chiefs hat and was equally cute.
It's late, I supposed I should go to bed. Good Night!
I decided yesterday that it really had gotten too much and so John and I should do something for ourselves to help make us feel a little bit better. I finally decided on picking up ingredients for a really yummy dinner at home. We had shrimp cocktail, snow crabs legs, asparagus, bacon cheddar twice baked potatoes, and Ben & Jerry's. I also make John a big blender full of non-alcoholic Pina Coladas. It was great!
I am very thankful tomorrow is Friday! I am looking forward to this weekend a lot, even though I'm sure we will be very busy. I'll be at home with my family instead of at work, and that makes me happy =).
The boys have been both fighting more recently and ridiculously cute. John said the other day that Owynn kept tickling Oliver while Oliver was getting a diaper change. Oliver thought it was hysterical! Owynn found my pink Red Sox hat tonight and kept putting it on his head, he thought he was very smart =). Oliver had John's Chiefs hat and was equally cute.
It's late, I supposed I should go to bed. Good Night!
Saturday, March 10, 2012
Yay it's the weekend!
I had a pretty good week this week, well really it was highlighted by my afternoon out with W. Tomorrow our mechanic friend is coming over to look at our sad broken Dodge. Hopefully it won't cost us a small fortune to fix ( you know, like the transmission did). The battery has to be replaced, but after that I am curious to know what it will take to get it running ok. Saturday is my day to get things done this weekend, but Sunday will be lots of fun. Sunday John has his podcast with P. Since P&W live all the way on the other side of town I think I will take the boys to the outdoor mall on the south side of town. I think it will be fun to look around and maybe get some ice cream. It should be a gorgeous day out on Sunday. Once John & P are done with their podcast the boys and I will head over to play some poker. I'm thinking about making some death by chocolate to bring over to poker. I love that stuff, but it makes way too much for just John and I. It should be a really fun day! I am so happy that the weather is starting to be so Spring like, although I can't really complain much about the mild winter we've had. Well shoot, I just checked the weather and it may be rainy on Sunday (Boo!), but after that it looks like it will be in the 70's all week (YAY!)
In just a few short weeks we will be going on vacation! We will be cramming into our little car and road tripping out to my parent's in Upstate NY. My grandparents will be making the trip there from MA, I am so excited. We will also be spending Easter there too. I am sooooooo looking forward to making Easter cookies, and having a wonderful dinner made by my dad. I have 2 & 1/2 weeks off, and we will be gone pretty much the entire time. I am so looking forward to it. We also plan on getting photos done of the boys, and I am going to try and talk my husband into getting a family photo done. I think this time I will try and plan our time there a little more. I hope the weather will be nice enough that we can spend some time in the village on the canal. I want to take the boys to one of the parks, and go to Friendly's. I really wish we had a Friendly's out here. But most importantly I am looking forward to spending a lot of time with my family. It's not always easy living so far away.
The boys are starting to enter the separation anxiety phase. Most days I leave for work before they get up, but Friday's it's hard. While I was trying to put on my shoes Owynn took one and crawled away with it. Then Oliver went and sat in front of the door so I couldn't leave. They both have started to get very upset when either one of us leaves. It makes it very hard to go when they are crying and want us to stay.
I suppose it should be bedtime. It's really late and I have a lot to do tomorrow. Well I guess technically today. Working until 10pm on Friday nights really throws me off, I am always up so late after work.
In just a few short weeks we will be going on vacation! We will be cramming into our little car and road tripping out to my parent's in Upstate NY. My grandparents will be making the trip there from MA, I am so excited. We will also be spending Easter there too. I am sooooooo looking forward to making Easter cookies, and having a wonderful dinner made by my dad. I have 2 & 1/2 weeks off, and we will be gone pretty much the entire time. I am so looking forward to it. We also plan on getting photos done of the boys, and I am going to try and talk my husband into getting a family photo done. I think this time I will try and plan our time there a little more. I hope the weather will be nice enough that we can spend some time in the village on the canal. I want to take the boys to one of the parks, and go to Friendly's. I really wish we had a Friendly's out here. But most importantly I am looking forward to spending a lot of time with my family. It's not always easy living so far away.
The boys are starting to enter the separation anxiety phase. Most days I leave for work before they get up, but Friday's it's hard. While I was trying to put on my shoes Owynn took one and crawled away with it. Then Oliver went and sat in front of the door so I couldn't leave. They both have started to get very upset when either one of us leaves. It makes it very hard to go when they are crying and want us to stay.
I suppose it should be bedtime. It's really late and I have a lot to do tomorrow. Well I guess technically today. Working until 10pm on Friday nights really throws me off, I am always up so late after work.
Thursday, March 8, 2012
Double Trouble
Apparently this is what happens when I go to the bathroom. Really, I wasn't in there for that long! I thought the donut box was far enough out of their reach, but I guess I was wrong. They were too adorable not to snap a few photos before taking the donuts away and telling them that they shouldn't be doing that.
Oliver is walking now, and Owynn has taken his first steps. Owynn says "all done" surprisingly well, and Oliver is trying to say it too. I can't believe how big they are getting, they have done so much in such a short amount of time!
Tuesdays are my early days at work and I am off at 3:30pm (yay for getting out early, boo for having to go in so early). I went out with W and we had an awesome afternoon hanging out without our spouses and kids, it was great! We went bowling and then to Chipotle for dinner. We used to bowl on a league several years ago; it's also been a very long time since I have been bowling. We bowled three games and I scored 116, 141, and 122. I was very happy with myself, especially since it had been so long. We talked about the possibility of joining another league, and I am really hope it's something we can do. The next day though, oh man was I sore! From bowling! I felt really out of shape, but it was totally worth it! It was so nice to go out. I thought about it, and I have only been out with my friends one other time since the boys were born. I think I forgot how much fun it is. We are all going to get together and play poker this weekend too, I can't wait.
TGIF, the weekend is almost here! Hopefully your weather will be as beautiful as it's supposed to be here!
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