Easter weekend we went to P&W's on Saturday and had a great time, but then again we always do. They graciously treated us to Chipotle and we played pitch. Hopefully we will get to see them next weekend. We live about an hour away from my IL's and most of our friends. Although we go down to visit them often, we don't manage to go as often as we would like.
Yesterday I had a really good day at work, which lately hasn't been happening very often. I'm really not overly thrilled about working full time, but I don't really have much of a choice about it. There are days I feel good about it, knowing I am providing for my family, but other days the guilt creeps in. I miss the boys all day and feel like I am missing out on a lot. Owynn laughed for the first time on Easter and I missed it since I was working. Luckily I was home five days later when Oliver did. It was pretty adorable, he was very happy and smiling, giggled, then gave himself the hiccups, then got upset about it. Anyways! Yesterday we were able to wear jeans to work, which was great! If we donated $5 to Chrohn's and Colitis we received a t-shirt and were able to wear jeans yesterday, and will be able to again next Friday. Soon after I arrived at work I actually got a tip from a customer, which is very unusual. Apparently he had come in a day or two before and the person who helped him was unable to get his manufacturer card to go through. I was able to do it fairly quickly for him and saved him over $300. He was so happy and thankful that he left me a tip. I felt bad about accepting it, because really we aren't supposed to. But I followed the rule they taught us at Disney. Refuse three times and if they still insist, then you may accept it and say thank you. So I did what we typically do when something like that happens, I bought a bunch of candy for everyone in the pharmacy to share. The rest of the day went very smoothly, and everyone was in a really good mood. It also helped that the weather was absolutely gorgeous yesterday, we actually hit 80.
I am looking forward to a relaxing weekend with the boys. Today I am going to try and get my haircut. I am thrilled about this, last time I got it cut was Dec. of 2009 when I was visiting my parents in NY and donated it to Locks of Love. I wanted to get my haircut before the boys were born, but I was put on bed rest at 26 weeks and wasn't able to. Oh the joys of pre-term labor! I am hoping my hair will be long enough to donate again, if not then I will have to wait a few more months, and I really really don't want to. We have grocery shopping to do later, and my small to do list. Tomorrow for Mother's Day I am hoping we can all go to the zoo. I haven't been yet with the boys and I really want to. I am so glad that John bought a membership to the zoo, the Omaha zoo is fantastic. It is rated as one of the top zoos in the country, and we always have a great time when we go.
The boys are doing really well. Oliver has started showing signs of teething, he had a pretty rough couple of days earlier this week. But he is feeling much better now. Owynn is finally getting bigger, I am pretty sure he went through a big growth spurt the past couple of weeks. I think it is finally time to pack away his newborn clothes, this makes me both happy and sad. I have some pretty adorable newborn clothes and am sad to see him grow out of them. But at the same time, he is almost 4 months old now and finally getting much bigger.
Well it's already noon (where did my morning go?) time to get my butt in gear. Happy Mother's day everyone, especially to my mom (Elle over at http://bluemonkeybutt.com/home/ ) =) I live 1,000 miles away from my family and it's hard being so far away.
Awww, wish you all live so far away either.