Caffeine is now sadly my new friend. I have never been much of a caffeine drinker, but most days now I find myself having some just to feel "normal" during the day. Well that, and so hopefully I can try and find the energy to stay awake in the evenings and to try and get some extra stuff done on weekends.
According to my Dr everything is going well, although he does want me on Progesterone. Since I had a lot of issues with preterm labor with the boys, he thinks it's a really good idea. I'm not overly thrilled, but if it will keep this baby baking longer, then that's a good thing. I really don't want to have to deal with the complications, stress, and anxiety I had with the boys again this time. The big ultrasound is scheduled for the 23 (finally!) I will be 22 weeks, and half-way done. I'm a little nervous. We will be finding out if my placenta has moved out of the way, if the baby is healthy so far, and the gender. I'm really most concerned about the health of the baby. Honestly I would be ok with waiting to find out the gender until baby is born, but John is anxious to know, and we can plan better this way.
The boys are doing great, they constantly amaze me with how smart they are. They seem to always be learning and picking up on stuff, both good and bad. Potty training is going slowly, but smoothly. They are much better about knowing when they need to pee in the potty, pooping though not so much. But we'll get there, I'm very happy with the progress they've made so far. They really encourage each other too, which I think is adorable. When one goes in the potty the other gets sooo excited. Oliver says a lot: "Yay Owy, you peed in da potty!" and starts jumping around.
They are getting excited for Halloween. They have to point out all the pumpkins to us every time we see one. I still haven't quite decided what their costumes should be. I really need to get on that. It looks like this weekend will finally feel like Fall, and I have some yummy baking planned. Happy Fall, and here's to hoping I can find the energy to get back to blogging more!
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Owynn and Oliver |
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